Dinki Di Australian Products

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Westpac goes bananas to justify rate hikes

Wednesday December 9, 2009, 10:27 am

Forrest Gump said life was like a box of chocolates - Westpac has its own homespun philosophy as it tries to justify its higher interest rates.

Westpac has sent its customers an email with an animated video which explains that borrowing money is like the cost of bananas.

Banana prices soared in 2006 when crops were devastated by a cyclone. The bank's banana approach has baffled marketing experts.

Extraordinary as it seems to many skeptics around the globe to realize our climate is changing to effect many aspects of our lives. Whether that is sea level change that effects many island countries around the world or famine, drought, fires and other extreme whether conditions there needs to be non divisive transparent discussion on steps to take to stop or reverse these diabolical changes that puts the global ecology and human existence at threat.

Some of us may believe that it is actually too late to prevent this progress in climate change and for those of you have been informing people for decades this discussion is well over due. It is difficult for newer industrial economies to back the Kyoto agreement mainly, to put it simply Western companies have well established trade with these countries. Exploiting the abilities of these countries to produce products at a lower cost without considering anything about how these companies go about any other practices in regards to manufacturing. These countries certainly need an ability to compete in the world market, but as with any products the demand is driven by the market primarily big Western companies.

We know that the big push has been to have branded products produced for a couple of cents so that business in Western countries can make their huge profits. It is interesting that these businesses along with supportive politicians are now the ones trying to put out there that climate change is a rumor and hey it just will cost too much. During this decade the amount of Australian companies go looking in countries like China to have their good manufactured is massive and for them the idea that there might be a carbon tax now placed on there goods is what drives these companies to get behind the skeptics.

What we know is that companies are a creative lot and can work environmentally if they choose to they can also give back to the manufacturing companies from where they have their products manufacturers to allow them to be able to also start to make changes to their manufacturing processes. Yes this costs money, but as they say you don't get something for nothing.

It is exploitation and greed that produces environmental change these are the exact aspects of business that need to change in order for there to be effective change in saving our living environment.

Stay informed with the latest information on Copenhagen climate conference as this means that you can make your own mind up without being swayed by vested interest political or other.

Celebrating food, community gardens and conviviality

The Network

Community gardens are places where people come together to grow fresh food, to learn, relax and make new friends.

The Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network connects community gardeners around Australia.

The Australian Community Gardens Network is an informal, community-based organisation linking people interested in community gardening across Australia.


The aims of the network include:

  • facilitating the formation and management of community gardens and similar social enterprise by making available information and, where possible, advice
  • promoting the benefits of community gardening and urban agriculture.


Within the limits of its capacity, the network will:

  • advocate on behalf of community gardeners
  • provide information on the website that is adequate and accurate
  • provide presentations and advice to local government, other institutions and communities interested in establishing community gardens
  • document the development of community gardening in Australia
  • provide a list of contacts through which the public may contact community gardens.


The network:

  • maintains this website as a source of information
  • maintains an email distribution list for notification of events and information relevant to community gardeners
  • has contacts in different states
  • is a voluntary organistion without a budget and with limited capacity to provide more than an information service
  • is an informal organisation without office holders
  • maintains no financial membership
  • relies on informal members and participants to provide information and to organise activities
  • may, in some regions, organise events.


The Australian Community Gardens Network was started by Dr Darren Phillips in 1996.

Darren’s idea was to set up an Australia-wide network of people interested in community gardens, city farms, urban agriculture and community education centres.

He organised contact people in different states who could provide information on community gardens and notify enquirers where they could find the gardens. The website now fulfills some of those functions, however there remain contact people who may be able to provide other advice within the limits of time and cost availability.

Check out this fabulous network with massive information for every Australian State.

EM Energy Matters :

Energy Matters is one of Australia's largest companies solely dedicated to renewable energy. Having installed more solar power systems than just about anybody in the country, Energy Matters is amongst the leading national providers of renewable energy solutions. Our products and components generate solar hot water and renewable power for private homes, businesses and schools around Australia and the Pacific.

Rapidly expanding, our mission is to be a global leader in renewable energy and to increase our involvement in educating and supporting the community on topics relating to renewable energy, sustainability and other environmental issues.

Consulting and accredited installation

Energy Matters has a diverse network of accredited installers throughout urban and rural Australia and New Zealand, specialising in the design and installation of renewable energy systems for residential and commercial applications.

Our installers are trained to deliver to the most stringent Australian and International Standards and have a wealth of experience in grid connected and stand alone wind and solar power systems. With Energy Matters as your supplier and installer, you can have your solar power, solar hot water or wind energy system up and running flawlessly in no time.

We are also very active in Australia's schools as part of the Federal Government's Solar Schools Initiative. We warmly encourage schools throughout Australia to contact us for further information about the generous incentives on offer.

Keeping it simple.. and economical

As with any new technology, solar energy systems may have been treated with some suspicion a decade or so ago but the technology is now at an advanced stage where you have the solar panels installed on your roof and they plug into your meter box - and it works for a very long time with next to no maintenance.

We don't go into long-winded technology explanations with everyone, except for the people who love solar power for its technology. In order to compete with mainstream electricity and other issues, our system has to operate and work just as well as the previous system the customer has been using. And that's where we are today - we're just as good. If you have a choice between a normal electric hot water system, or solar-powered one on your roof, then after rebates, it may be only AUS$500 difference. Why wouldn't you use the greener, cleaner energy? After a while, it will also start saving you money!

Come and Check Out This Australian Companies Online Store.

Dinky Di Australian Products invites submissions from local manufacturers who would like a product review included in our blog. Please send us an email with your details and we will get in contact with you. We are building a strong network to promote the best Australian manufacturers have to offer.

Although this is an American made product it is currently available in Victoria. This is state of the art fire fighting equipment. This trailer contains a combination of foam and water as is the ultimate in personal bush fire protection.

We currently have limited numbers of these trailers available and as soon as we run out that is it.
At half the recommended retail price this is a one time offer so don't miss this one.

National Rainwater and Greywater Initiative: Household Rebate Guidelines.

The following rebates are available:
Rainwater tank(s) capacity* — must be plumbed in for indoor water use by a licensed plumber Rebate
2,000 litres – 3,999 litres $400
4,000 litres or larger $500
* The minimum capacity may be reached by installing two or more smaller tanks
Greywater system — must be installed by a licensed plumber Rebate
Permanent greywater treatment system $500

The National Rainwater and Greywater Initiative offers household rebates of up to $500 for new rainwater tanks or greywater
systems purchased after 30 January 2009. Applications for rebates will only be accepted from 1 March 2009.
Subject to the eligibility criteria below, rebates are available for either:
• the purchase and installation of a new rainwater tank which is connected for internal reuse of the water for toilet and/or
laundry use (‘plumbed in’);


• the purchase and installation of a permanent greywater treatment system, as defined below.

The rebates are being administered for the Australian Government by the Department of the Environment, Water,
Heritage and the Arts.

Get your Application Here.


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